29 February 2012

Say He's Cute

Jen and Linds have a bird named Gordon and yes, he is named after the Jazz basketball player, Gordon Hayward. I've known this bird for quite some time and have yet to hold him. In fact, I would say that I kind of keep my distance when I stop by for a visit. I'm not scared of him(maybe a little?) and politely decline each time they ask if I want to hold him or give him a kiss. I visited Gordy last month and he landed on my head and it was at that moment I decided I would hold him...before the end of February. Since today is the last day of February, I contacted Jen and I soon found myself knocking at their door. Gordy danced, shook Jen's hand, and flew around the room and even landed on my head-twice. 

And then it was time.

Getting ready. Step up, Gordy.

"Maybe you should give him kisses." I don't think so.

I did it!


Ralph Mortensen said...

Way to go on conquering your fears. Next time you're home you can take Shadow for a walk.

Suedles said...

Um, I don't know how I feel about this...

Jen said...

I really admire the way you looked fear in the eye and kept on! Get it gurl! Ha.

Bethany said...
