27 February 2012

Oscar Gala

My friends and I had an Oscars party last night and it was pretty epic which shouldn't surprise me because each activity gets better than the one before. 

Great food.

The group.

I love this picture. So much personality.

Miguel won the award for his talent of picking the most Oscar losers. 

Best dressed award goes to...Libby!

And I picked the most Oscar winners. "I'd like to thank the academy, my co-chair, and my guessing skills."

There are so many stories I could tell from this night. I will say there was a perfect mix of dip in the hair, laughing, drink spilled on a dress, jokes, stories, and cupcake in the face. 


Hawk said...

In my defense... the drink was just water and cheeseball is a natural conditioner #yourewelcome #trustmeIknowalotabouthair

Also, I'm honored to share this Oscar with you.. oh how we deserve it..

Suedles said...

I want in next year! Can't wait for our dance party on St. Patty's.