One afternoon in June, I was watching the news and saw a story about a car accident involving a pregnant woman and I remember thinking, "do I know anyone who is 7 1/2 months pregnant and drives a Subara?" I would soon remember as I received a call from a friend asking if I had heard about Corrine's car accident. A man had a heart attack and drifted into oncoming traffic and hit my friend head on. Her unborn child saved my friend's life but did not survive the accident.
As I have watched my friend and her family over the past few months, I have renewed faith in the goodness of people and the strength of the human soul. Corrine spent weeks and weeks in the hospital and then a rehabilitation center before going home less than a month ago.
When I visit Corrine, she always asks about my life and that of our other friends and wants to know of our happiness, trials, and day to day life. I know she has difficult days where she wonders why this happened to her, and yet her courage and determination in her healing has taught me much. I am blessed to call her friend.
There always seems to be a spotlight on all the negative that I sometimes forget that there are truly incredible people in this world doing/surviving incredible things. I love to hear these kinds of stories from people, makes me want to be a better person.
What a strong woman your friend is! I'm thankful for so many good examples of faith and love!
You did Lotoja?!! You're amazing!! Way to go!
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