31 March 2012


I have been waiting for this date ever since I purchased pre-sale tickets to the fun. concert. My friends and I purchased fun.'s new CD at a local record store and received wristbands for an acoustic show that did not disappoint. Nate, lead singer, has been a favorite of mine ever since his days with The Format, and Andrew and Jack are simply amazing musicians. We made some new friends at the concert and  I also reconnected with a girl I met through a mutual friend at a concert a couple of weeks ago. There was one guy who knew every word and was very animated during the concert and I worried that he would fall off the balcony.

Me and Ireland. My friends 'may' have caught me touching his hair.

Fun. acoustic show

Playing Andrew's keyboard. No big deal. 

Me and Fun.

Fellow Fun. concert goers.

1 comment:

Clay said...

Shelley I'm beginning to get a little worried about you. Touching Ireland's hair? It's Splash Mountain all over again...