14 March 2012

Civic Duty

I decided to attend the caucus meeting for my precinct and it was highly entertaining. I must admit that I assumed there would 5 of us sitting the school gym and we would all end up being delegates at the state convention. Imagine my surprise when I had to park several blocks away and people kept coming and the room was packed with political junkies. We listened to several candidates and were encouraged to donate money to their campaign and then it was time to gather by precinct and vote for precinct chair, vice chair, secretary, treasurer, and three delegates. I sat across from two women who are my neighbors and one was nominated to be vice chair and she so kindly nominated me for Treasurer, and of course I ended up winning. The other neighbor was chosen as a delegate and I made it clear they would be attending any and all meetings I  am asked to attend. I'm not sure what, if anything, I will be doing as treasurer but I look forward to the adventure.


Candice said...

Good for you. Dave and I went 2 yrs ago, and I ended up as Treasurer. Don't worry - I was never called to any meetings or had any responsibilities. We will be attending meetings tomorrow in the spirit of civic duty and good people watching.

Suedles said...

Way to go Friend!

Lohra said...

What??? I could have been nominated for something if I had gone? You're kidding me. Gah!

I hope you embezzle neighborhood funds. Don't tell anyone I said that.