09 November 2010

Watch out!

I was at stoplight on 7th East, preparing to enter I-80, when I noticed a small pick-up hauling a stove coming from the opposite direction and also entering I-80. The light turned green for me and I proceeded and thought, "Hmmm. Maybe I should go slow." As I made the turn, the stove fell out the side of the truck and fell into my lane. I calmly signaled and was able to switch lanes and avoid hitting the stove, grateful I had slowed down. The driver of the pick-up pulled over and hopefully no one hit the debris.


stacie lewis said...

Glad your okay!

Jennifer Mosher said...

Shelley, you are the master of calm . . . good job!

Cassidy and Nicole Anderson said...

Way to listen to that little voice!!!!!

Corrine Frazier said...

Shells - love your blog. I am glad that you were safe. It is a crazy jungle on the roads. Lot's of monkey's - keep safe. Love ya - Corn