12 November 2010

I give thanks

Nine years ago today, I walked into the living room of my parent's home and found my dad lying on the floor complaining of a chest cold. He had left racquetball early due to not feeling well and I insisted that we were going to the hospital. Six bypasses, constant prayer, and many weeks later, he was discharged and returned home.

Today, a family member is going in for testing which will confirm a diagnosis or lead to additional testing and more of the unknown. I admire this person for being so open with their life and what is going on while I quietly contemplate what may be.

Historically, November has been a trying month for my family and at times I find myself dreading the month in which we give thanks. So today, on a day that holds many unanswered questions, I give thanks. Thanks to a Heavenly Father for inspiration and guidance. Thanks to medical professionals and advancements in medicine. Thanks for a family who stand firmly together while battling the storms of life.

I give thanks.


Sara T. said...

<333 Let me know if you need anything!

Lohra said...

I'm so proud of you for sharing. What a nice soul you've got there.