29 July 2009

We don't live in a vacuum

I was sitting in on a therapy session for a client and the therapist said something that resonates with me. "When life gets tough we push away the people closest to us."



Shannon said...

I agree. Me guilty.

And random, but you know when you have to verify a word to enter a comment on your blog? Well, my word is enifisha. I like it and thought I would share.

Suedles said...

word. i didn't like my verification word shan, graddedi.

Telle said...

Amen. I know what that's like. And I guess we are supposed to tell you our word verify word, and mine is hessest.

Ralph Mortensen said...

Great thought. In the world behind the fence,it is often said, "What's in it for me". No thought of others.
Have a great day! word: waingi

A STAR is born said...
