22 June 2009

Another Break

My brother in law Travis was 4 wheeling with friends at the Sand Dunes in St. Anthony, Idaho when he flew over a hill and crashed. After a bumpy ride on a sand buggy followed by an ambulance, Travis found himself admitted to the hospital where he learned he broke his left forearm and his right shoulder. He was in surgery for six hours and has pins in his arm and a metal plate, screws, and pins in his shoulder. He has a long road ahead of him but the doctors are saying he will have a full recovery.
On the bright side, his daughter Avry is no longer the only one in the family with a broken arm.


Ralph Mortensen said...

Avry is doing better, but poor Travis with his arm and shoulder all wrapped up. In a day or so
Daynna will take the tape off the staples in his shoulder and then you will be able to see the battle wounds. He is not a happy camper just in bed with nothing to do. He has got alot of attention. He is doing well and on the mend.

Anonymous said...

I used to take care of patients with accidents from the sand-dunes at EIRMC. He's lucky it's just a broken arm